A while back I wrote packing lists for Bahamas or Antarctica but now that all the boarders are open and people are traveling more and more, I want to re-create my packing list for a more general international trip. Here is the list of items to pack for an international family trip (2 adults and 2 kids, in my case).

1. Passports & Covid vaccination cards
2. Credit cards and/or cash (call credit cards if needed ahead of time to make sure it does not get declined)
3. Snacks/Food for the plane and for the hotel
4. Empty water bottles (to be filled at the airport)
5. first aid kit (some emergency pills/medicine, emergen-c and band aids)
6. kid's devices & phones & chargers
7. games/books (audibles too), movie downloads
8. sunblock for the sun or chapstick for the cold
9. bug repellent and anti-itch cream (we always seem to need this with the kids)
10. sanitizer or wipes
11. tooth brush
12. hair brush or comb
13. toiletries (deodorant, hair supplies, make up, shampoo, conditioner, face soap, shaving items, tooth paste)
14. Face cream supplies (for mommy's crazy regimen)
15. small purse or beach bag or small bag pack
16. water shoes (water) or boots (for cold or snow)
17. flip flops
18. regular clothes
19. bathing suits (I always pack it)
20. Nice set of clothes (for a nice dinner) and shoes for it
21. workout clothes and shoes and socks
22. water pants / shirts or snow/pants and shorts
23. hats
24. sunglasses
25. eye contacts and cleaner
26. glasses
27. snorkels or goggles (if you will go for water)
29. water phone case (if you go for water or even for rain)
30. cameras, go pro, and tripods
31. charges for cameras, phones, devices, etc & multiplug
32. Extra battery pack(s)
33. portable speaker
34. binoculars
35. feminine hygiene items (always as back-up)
36. coats, rain jacket and umbrella (weather will never stop us)
37. books, download books (or audibles)
38. pen (sometimes we forget to bring a pen for international flights and the paperwork)
39. check-in and reservations photos or print outs
40. Optional for the little kids: car seat, stroller, life vest (optionally), bottles, snacks, etc.
Other: charge all devices, download any apps and tickets, select flight seats and check-in.